About David Bass

Content marketer, author, and homeschool graduate.

4 books you should read over Christmas break (if you want to become a young entrepreneur)

By |2020-12-14T09:38:14-05:00November 30th, 2020|Advice, Career Tips, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Preparing for college, Tips for high school|

With Christmas break just around the corner, many of us are looking forward to seeing family, enjoying festive meals and decorations, and taking a few days off school and work to try and recover from the stressful year that 2020 has been. But as a homeschool student, why not use some of that down [...]

10 qualities of successful people: A guide for homeschool graduates

By |2020-11-16T08:48:48-05:00November 16th, 2020|Advice, Career Tips, High school transcripts, Homeschool moms, Preparing for college, Tips for high school|

Success comes in many different forms. In North America, we tend to define success in monetary and vocational terms—how much you make or how far you’ve advanced in your career. But success extends to so many other areas: relationships, faith, character, and health, to name a few. As a homeschool high school student, you [...]

8 reasons your family should consider hybrid homeschooling

By |2020-11-02T09:37:55-05:00November 2nd, 2020|Advice, Coronavirus, COVID-19, General Interest, Homeschool moms, Preparing for college|

If you’re new to homeschooling due to COVID-19, chances are you might not have heard about hybrid homeschooling. This approach combines a more traditional classroom environment with the flexibility of homeschooling. Typically, a student’s time is evenly split between home and school—maybe two days in the classroom and three at home, or a portion [...]

Feeling demotivated as a homeschool parent? You’re not the only one

By |2020-09-15T08:36:48-04:00September 15th, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19, Homeschool moms, Tips for high school|

The school year just started and you’re already burned out. Can you relate? You might be homeschooling for the first time. Up until now, you’ve had an outside structure to build your life around: Regular office hours, drop-off time and pick-up times for the kids at school, scheduled extracurricular activities after school, and similar [...]

The coronavirus pandemic makes your student’s high school transcript more important than ever

By |2020-08-31T06:55:27-04:00August 31st, 2020|Advice, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Creating Professional Transcripts for Students, High school transcripts, Preparing for college, Tips for high school, Transcripts 101|

Just days into the new college semester, the school year is already in shambles as the coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc on higher education. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill just announced a move to exclusively online classes after 130 students tested positive for the virus in the first week since [...]

5 tips for temporarily homeschooling during the 2020-2021 school year

By |2020-08-06T14:42:48-04:00August 6th, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19, Creating Professional Transcripts for Students, High school transcripts, Homeschool moms, Tips for high school, Transcripts 101|

Back-to-school is just around the corner. In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, most public school districts across the country are opting for virtual classrooms or a hybrid approach combining online with limited in-classroom instruction. In many instances, reopening plans are muddled and confusing. That leaves millions of parents in a lurch. [...]

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