Continuing Education for Home Educators (updated)

By |2024-06-08T16:02:07-04:00June 8th, 2024|Advice, General Interest, Homeschool moms|

Continuing education for home educators looks a lot different than the required continuing education that public school teachers participate in to  sharpen and gain new skills. They go to workshops, training classes, and conventions. Home educators have no such requirements in most cases, but it's no less important for them to develop their own [...]

Transitioning from Public High School to Homeschooling

By |2024-04-07T15:24:34-04:00April 7th, 2024|Advice, Creating Professional Transcripts for Students, General Interest, High school transcripts, Homeschool moms, Preparing for college, Tips for high school, Transcripts 101|

Transitioning from public high school to homeschooling causes more than a little worry for most families, particularly if they have no prior experience with homeschooling. Parents and students alike are concerned about credits, diplomas, transcripts, colleges, and how homeschooling will impact it all. The good news is that homeschooling in high school is often [...]

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