Homeschool transcript foundations: How to level up your transcript with tests and extracurricular activities

By |2020-04-16T09:06:26-04:00April 9th, 2020|Advice, Creating Professional Transcripts for Students, High school transcripts, Preparing for college, Standardized tests, Tips for high school, Transcripts 101|

We know that spring is the time when many homeschool families work on transcripts. To help out, we're offering a 30% discount  on all Transcript Maker plans using the code HOME2020. This is the fourth part of our 6-part series on the basics of homeschool transcripts. Read part 1, part 2, and part 3. [...]

Homeschool transcript foundations: How to get the most out of grades and GPA

By |2020-04-09T10:30:03-04:00April 2nd, 2020|General Interest, Advice, Creating Professional Transcripts for Students, High school transcripts, Preparing for college, Standardized tests, Tips for high school, Transcripts 101|

We know that spring is the time when many homeschool families work on transcripts. To help out, we're offering a 30% discount  on all Transcript Maker plans using the code HOME2020. This is the third part of our 6-part series on the basics of homeschool transcripts. Read part 1 and part 2. Want to know [...]

Homeschool transcript foundations: 4 simple tips for handling courses and credit hours

By |2020-04-02T13:29:28-04:00March 24th, 2020|Advice, Creating Professional Transcripts for Students, High school transcripts, Preparing for college, Standardized tests, Tips for high school, Transcripts 101|

We know that spring is the time when many homeschool families work on transcripts. To help out, we're offering a 30% discount  on all Transcript Maker plans using the code HOME2020. This is the second part of our 6-part series on the foundations of homeschool transcripts. Read part 1. Courses are the “meat” of [...]

Homeschool transcript foundations: What should I put on a transcript?

By |2020-03-26T13:04:03-04:00March 13th, 2020|Advice, Creating Professional Transcripts for Students, General Interest, High school transcripts, Preparing for college, Standardized tests, Tips for high school, Transcripts 101|

We know that spring is the time when many homeschool families work on transcripts. To help out, we're offering a 30% discount  on all Transcript Maker plans using the code HOME2020. It's March. That means the college application season is just around the corner. Is your family ready? If you're like a lot of [...]

6 reasons to create an 8th grade homeschool transcript

By |2020-02-17T12:39:41-05:00February 17th, 2020|Advice, Creating Professional Transcripts for Students, High school transcripts, Preparing for college, Standardized tests, Tips for high school, Transcripts 101|

Like many homeschool parents, you're probably not thinking of creating a transcript for your 8th grade student. You might feel that it isn't necessary to start a transcript until your child reaches 11th or 12th grade. I get it. Thinking about the process of creating a transcript for high school is intimidating enough. But [...]

Transcript basics: How to level up your homeschool transcript with tests and extracurricular activities

By |2019-08-22T08:35:25-04:00August 15th, 2019|Advice, Creating Professional Transcripts for Students, High school transcripts, Preparing for college, Standardized tests, Tips for high school, Transcripts 101|

This is the third part of our 6-part series on the basics of homeschool transcripts. Read part 1, part 2, and part 3. Now that you’ve got the basic building blocks of your homeschool transcript down, it’s time to think about standardized tests and extracurricular activities. These are two often-overlooked aspects of [...]

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