Science education is important, but can often seem dry. Homeschooling parents often wonder how to teach K-8 science. Just how do you make learning scientific concepts, theories, and laws fun and engaging? Don’t fret and don’t stress. Today, Holly and Melody discuss how to introduce science to your children, how their science education grows with them, how you can prepare your 7th and 8th graders for high school science, and more!

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National Parks Junior Ranger Program

Mudpies to Magnets: A Preschool Science Curriculum

Backyard Scientist Series by Jane Hoffman

Where’s That Spider? (Hide & Seek Science)

Ruth Heller’s How to Hide a Butterfly & Other Insects

TOPS Learning System

Everything You Need To Know About Science Homework: A Desk Reference for Students and Parents

Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock

A Drop of Water: A Book of Science and Wonder by Walter Wick

The Story of Inventions from Christian Liberty Press

Prepare for the SAT and ACT on and

The Happy Homeschooler Podcast is a Transcript Maker Production. It is hosted by Holly Williams Urbach and Melody Gillum, produced by Matthew Bass, and edited by Norah Williams. Our graphic design is by Pete Soloway and our music is by The Great Pangolin.

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