Science is one of the most enjoyable subjects you can learn at home, and there’s so many ways to teach science that put the subject right in the hands of your students. Today, we discuss how our different educational philosophies informed how we taught science and reminisce about our favorite science projects and experiments! And be sure to stay to the end, when we discuss a big homeschooling news story!
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A Drop Of Water: A Book of Science and Wonder, by Walter Wick
Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe, by Theodore Grey
Mystery of the Periodic Table, by Benjamin D. Wiker
Thames and Kosmos – Chemistry and Science Sets
Parents explain why they homeschool kids: covid, ADHD, race, religion – The Washington Post
The Happy Homeschooler Podcast is a Transcript Maker Production. It is hosted by Holly Williams Urbach, Melody Gillum, and Jennifer Jones, produced by Matthew Bass, and edited by Norah Williams. Our graphic design is by Pete Soloway and our music is by The Great Pangolin.
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