It’s always nice to get a pleasant surprise in the mail. This arrived a week ago:
$20 donation with note

Here’s a big “thank you” to this anonymous supporter. The gift reminded me of how much Transcript Maker has grown, all thanks to our fantastic base of parents, students, families, and schools.

As a homeschool graduate myself, I faced the daunting task of creating a high school transcript from scratch that would appeal to colleges. If only a service like Transcript Maker had existed back then! It was from that struggle the app was born. It’s been an honor to see so many families and schools benefit from it over the years.

I’ve come to love and appreciate the Transcript Maker community. I’ve gotten a chance to speak with some of you on the phone and many more through email. I’ve enjoyed this personal connection. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or feedback you might have at