About David Bass

Content marketer, author, and homeschool graduate.

A beginner’s guide to homeschool transcripts: How to get formatting right for your transcript

By |2021-05-11T15:24:31-04:00May 11th, 2021|Advice, Career Tips, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Creating Professional Transcripts for Students, General Interest, High school transcripts, Preparing for college, Tips for high school, Transcripts 101|

We know that spring is the time when many homeschool families work on transcripts. To help out, we're offering a 20% discount  on all Transcript Maker plans using the code SPRING2021. This is the fifth part in our 6-part series on the basics of homeschool transcripts. Read part 1, part 2, part 3, and part [...]

A beginner’s guide to homeschool transcripts: How to level up your transcript with tests and extracurricular activities

By |2021-05-04T08:29:20-04:00May 4th, 2021|Advice, Career Tips, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Creating Professional Transcripts for Students, General Interest, High school transcripts, Preparing for college, Tips for high school, Transcripts 101|

We know that spring is the time when many homeschool families work on transcripts. To help out, we're offering a 20% discount  on all Transcript Maker plans using the code SPRING2021. This is the fourth part of our 6-part series on the basics of homeschool transcripts. Read part 1, part 2, and part 3. Now [...]

A beginner’s guide to homeschool transcripts: How to get the most out of grades and GPA

By |2021-04-29T08:23:39-04:00April 29th, 2021|Advice, Career Tips, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Creating Professional Transcripts for Students, General Interest, High school transcripts, Preparing for college, Tips for high school, Transcripts 101|

We know that spring is the time when many homeschool families work on transcripts. To help out, we're offering a 20% discount  on all Transcript Maker plans using the code SPRING2021. This is the third part of our 6-part series on the basics of homeschool transcripts. Read part 1 and part 2. Want to know one [...]

Thinking of switching to homeschooling permanently after your school closed? 5 signs you should make the jump

By |2021-04-22T09:32:28-04:00April 22nd, 2021|Advice, Career Tips, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Homeschool moms, Preparing for college, Tips for high school|

The pandemic forced you into the homeschool lifestyle. Now, you’re considering a permanent change of sticking with homeschooling for the long term. How can you know that’s the right decision? We’ll explore that key question in this blog post. As with so many things when it comes to the education of your child, the [...]

A beginner’s guide to homeschool transcripts: 4 simple tips for handling courses and credit hours

By |2021-04-20T09:42:56-04:00April 20th, 2021|Advice, Career Tips, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Creating Professional Transcripts for Students, General Interest, High school transcripts, Preparing for college, Tips for high school, Transcripts 101|

We know that spring is the time when many homeschool families work on transcripts. To help out, we're offering a 20% discount  on all Transcript Maker plans using the code SPRING2021. This is the second part of our 6-part series on the foundations of homeschool transcripts. Read part 1. Courses are the “meat” of a [...]

How much did homeschooling grow in your state during the pandemic?

By |2021-04-15T08:52:09-04:00April 15th, 2021|Advice, Career Tips, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Homeschool moms, Online learning, Preparing for college, Tips for high school|

We all had a feeling that homeschooling was going to mushroom during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, we have some hard statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau showing just how dramatic that growth has been. Overall, the numbers show a jump in U.S. homeschool households from 5.4% in spring of 2020 to 11.1% by the [...]

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