What is gameschooling? Maybe you’ve heard of it before or maybe this is the first time you’ve read that word. It’s all based on some age-old wisdom: If you can make learning fun, you’ll never hear a word of complaint when lesson time comes. What better way to inject some fun into your learning than through games? But you might be wondering: what kinds of games? How do I incorporate a game into my lesson plan? And what do I do when my kids get too old for games?

Holly and Melody have a few ideas, but the world of gameschooling is so big we had to bring in a special guest who knows all about the fun and possibilities of gameschooling!

If you have homeschooling questions or comments, email us at happyhomeschoolpod@gmail.com


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Teachers Pay Teachers

Gameschooling with Gameschool Academy on Facebook

The Ladybug Game

Pizza Fraction Fun

Our Previous Episode with Jennifer on Teaching Kids With Learning Challenges

Here’s a tip for all you happy homeschoolers: Melody mentioned a board game her family used to learn Greek mythology called By Jove. Well, we looked all over trying to find it new but it’s completely out of print. But we did find it on ebay selling for upwards of $100! Not a budget buy, but some of our listeners might have a copy collecting dust somewhere. Might be time to make some money off it!

The Happy Homeschooler Podcast is a Transcript Maker Production. It is hosted by Holly Williams Urbach and Melody Gillum, produced by Matthew Bass, and edited by Norah Williams. Our graphic design is by Pete Soloway and our music is by The Great Pangolin.

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