Whether you’re still new, or you’re a seasoned homeschooler, there are always important questions to answer before starting the school year. Today, we’re asking Who, What, Where, When, and Why. By answering these five questions, you’ll be able to focus on building your school year, planning for ups and downs, and understanding your student better. Join us today while we discuss what each of the questions mean to us, share our own plans for the coming school year, and share fun stories from our learning lifestyles. And be sure to stay to the end when we discuss a very useful book Holly received in the mail.

If you have any questions or comments, please email us at happyhomeschoolpod@gmail.com


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The Happy Homeschooler Podcast is a Transcript Maker Production. It is hosted by Holly Williams Urbach, Melody Gillum, and Jennifer Jones, produced by Matthew Bass, and edited by Norah Williams. Our graphic design is by Pete Soloway and our music is by The Great Pangolin.

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