Every homeschooler will parent a teen at some point, and understanding your teen better is crucial. Awash with new experiences, challenges, and feelings more intense than ever before, teens require new tactics for parents. Every experience they go through will affect the others. Academic difficulty can lead to emotional issues, or vice-versa. Understanding your teen better will allow you to be better prepared. For those with younger children, you can get off on the right foot before your child is a teen.
Today, we share our thoughts, experiences, and methods for parenting teens. And we give a glimpse of what lays beyond the teenage years.
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How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk, by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish
Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+la by Barbara Edtl Shelton
The Happy Homeschooler Podcast is a Transcript Maker Production. It is hosted by Holly Williams Urbach, Melody Gillum, and Jennifer Jones, produced by Matthew Bass, and edited by Norah Williams. Our graphic design is by Pete Soloway and our music is by The Great Pangolin.
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