About Lizzie Bass

Musician, piano teacher, homemaker, and lover of all things vintage. She enjoys solving problems for our customers and shares Matt’s passion for Lego.

New features: Course status and GPA summary

By |2017-10-16T10:29:52-04:00October 10th, 2017|General Interest, Announcements, New Features|

As always here at Transcript Maker, we've been working on adding new features and constantly improving our service. It's time for another new feature announcement! Here are the latest additions: Course Status Previously, Course Status and Course Type were in the same drop-down, so courses couldn't be marked as a special course type (like Honors, [...]

New archiving feature for schools

By |2017-10-09T11:11:41-04:00October 4th, 2017|General Interest|

We are excited to have schools using Transcript Maker for their students, and are regularly adding special features that are helpful for schools. This is our latest school feature! Archiving Transcripts As a school, you need to keep a copy of all your graduated students' transcripts, but those transcripts can start to pile up! Archiving [...]

Three new features!

By |2017-08-22T07:57:23-04:00August 14th, 2017|General Interest, Announcements|

Here at Transcript Maker, we're always working on improving our service by adding new features and keeping up with what our customers want. Your satisfaction is our goal! So, here are the three latest features we've added for you. Numeric Grades We are happy to announce that a feature many of you have been requesting [...]

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